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Beta Generation - Welcome to the "artificial" generation - 24/01/2040

Since the beginning of the 20th century and the advent of the social sciences, humans have been divided into different social generations. These age groups, generally grouped on ranges of 20 to 25 years, are characterized by common social and individual experiences, influenced by political, historical, economic markers which influence their way of life, their vision of the world, their values...

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If you are one of our readers, you most certainly belong to millennials, generation Z or, perhaps, the "Alpha" generation born in the late 2010s, early 2020s.

Obviously, you most certainly remember the previous ones: the baby boomers and their social and intellectual dynamism linked to the post-World War II spirit. Or Generation X and its great founders, pioneers of the technological revolution.

But today, what interests us is the generation that is starting to come on the job market, and its impact on the evolution of our lifestyles, our professional organizations ...

If the alphas were the "digital natives", for whom technology was a natural extension of their lives, the betas are now known as the "Artificials". Indeed, if the alphas were able to know and grow with artificial intelligence technologies, these are now an integral part of the life of betas.

What does this imply in terms of lifestyles, values? The betas have a greater ease in accepting the increasingly common interactions with an artificial intelligence which now populates our transport, our communications, our offices ...

The Artificials are also more naturally at ease with what some called in the time of the X's and millennials "transhumanism". The term has become gradually popular as Neuralink and other M2H (Machine to Human) connection and interface companies have become as common as wearing glasses.

These Artificials redefine human identity by expanding the physical and intellectual framework of human biology. The latest fashion trends that interest them are all linked to machine interfaces.

But if the Artificials are clearly "synthetic" in the proper sense of the term they are also simpler in their lifestyles. The consumption habits of the Artificials is an ethereal and non-material consumption as the limitation of resources by necessity due to climate change is for them the only situation they have never experienced.

This ambiguity of lifestyles is most certainly what characterizes our young "Artificials", a natural ability to navigate between the different new needs and the many new identities. Not surprising when you look at the openness and tolerance that have grown from generation to generation since the baby boomers.

Each generation draws the world in its image and the world around us defines the outline of each generation that populates it at a given time. Artificials will leave, like their predecessors, a unique imprint and, already, sociologists are interested in the next new wave.

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